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Reach Your Goal

dans les Camp

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Marco PAO

Passionate about sports and the functioning of the body, I graduated in Medical Base (Anatomy / Physiology). My programs are based on the principle of adaptation of the human body.

My knowledge of human anatomy/physiology allows me to create programs rooted in a knowledge of how the body works in motion. Whether it's for maintenance, weight loss or competition, your program will be made for you. At 50 years old after several races considered extreme for 20 years, I became passionate about the process of training by age phase.

My past participations:

    - Marathon des Sables (250 km foot race in semi-self-sufficiency)

    - Diagonale des Fous (168 km with 10,000m of elevation gain)

    - 2 x Nice Ironman (long distance triathlon 3.8km, 180km and 42km)

    - Wado Karate, Penchak, Thai Boxing training course TMT Bangkok (pic)

I'm here to help you achieve your goals: we work together, at your own pace, to get the results you want: there is no minimum level and I adapt to your needs. I like to coach in groups or individually, in a professional setting and a friendly atmosphere: it is not because the objectives are serious that it is forbidden to relax!

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Séance groupe

Lundi 08:30 am 

Saint Cergue 

Fit Boxing

Jeudi 12:30



Mardi 12:30

Stade UEFA Nyon

Fit Boxing

Jeudi 18:30

Saint Cergue 

Fit Boxing

Mercredi 12:30

Trelex Vitae 


Samedi 08:30

Saint Cergue


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Merci pour votre envoi !

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